

  • constant voltage
    ◇恒定电压电动机 constant-voltage motor; 恒定电压系统 constant-voltage system



  • 例句与用法
  • Constant voltage anodizing process
  • Constant voltage process
  • Constant - voltage motor
  • This measurement amplifier with relay outputs works as a uniform voltage amplifier for strain gauge measuring bridges
  • The investigation on mppt of solar cell the majority of photovoltaic systems produced in the factories are widely equipped with constant voltage tracker ( cvt ) instead of maximal power point tracker ( mppt ) for tracking the maximal power output of solar cell array
    出于制造方便及降低系统成本的因素,世界上大多数国家的光伏系统产品迄今仍采用恒定电压跟踪器( cvt ) ,以代替真正的最大功率跟踪器( mppt ) 。
  • Abstract : the saturation behavior of stress current is studied . the three types of precursor sites for trap generation are also introduced by fitting method based on first order rate equation . a further investigation by statistics experiments shows that there are definite relationships among time constant of trap generation , the time - to - breakdown , and stress voltage . it also means that the time constant of trap generation can be used to predict oxide lifetime . this method is faster for tddb study compared with usual breakdown experiments
  • The converter was designed to drive up to a 5 white leds with a constant current when the device operates with pulse width modulation ( pwm ) and to power an organic led display with a constant voltage when the circuit operates in pulse frequency modulation ( pfm ) for higher efficiency
    它采用1 . 5微米bicmos / dmos工艺,输入电压范围是2 . 7 5 . 5v ,电路以恒定电流驱动5个串连白光led或者以恒定电压驱动一个oled显示器。在输出恒定电压时采用pfm调制方式;输出恒流时则采用pwm调制方式。
  • The endurance function of the insulation field is widely concerned in the power system . according to the equality between the two dimensional weibull distribution and the law of electrical aging , after the method for estimation of the voltage endurance coefficient is presented by the maximum likelihood estimation and the minimum square estimation of the two dimensional weibull distribution parameters , on the basis of the analysis of the test disadvantages under invariable voltage , the method of obtaining the voltage endurance coefficient under the intension increased by degrees is considered
  • 推荐英语阅读
恒定电压的英文翻译,恒定电压英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译恒定电压,恒定电压的英文意思,恒定電壓的英文恒定电压 meaning in English恒定電壓的英文恒定电压怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
