Table 3-25 is a truth table of the 8251 bus control signals . 表3-25是8251总线控制信号的真值表。
Information is transmitted to and from registers via buses . 信息是通过总线输入寄存器或由寄存器输出的。
All the usual system components are directly connected to these three buses . 所有通用系统部件都直接连接到三根总线上。
Upon receipt of the hold-acknowledge, the dma knows that the bus are released . 在接收到HOLD应答信号时,DMA便知道总线处于高阻抗状态。
The control bus is used to control the sequencing and nature of the operation being performed . 控制总线用来控制要执行的操作的种类和顺序。
In summary, the ieee488 bus represents quite an advancement in intelligent data acquisition systems . 总之,IEEE488总线是智能数据采集系统中一个很大的改进。
A bus is nothing more than a collection of electrical conducting lines over which binary data is transferred . 一条“总线”只不过是一束传送二进制数据的一些导线。
In the "talk" example, the controller sends the address and command-to-talk to the talker, by using atn and the data-bus . 在“说”的例子中,控制器利用ATN和数据总线把地址和说命令送给说者。
A memory address consists of binary data being output on an appropriate bus which we call the address bus . 一个存储器地址是由输出到适宜的总线上的二进制数据所组成。这个总线我们称为地址总线。
Eisa extended industry standard architecture bus eisa 扩展工业标准体系结构总线