- sum up
总括起来 to sum up; to state succinctly; 总括保险 blanket insurance; 总括保险单 blanket policy
- 总括的 all inclusive; blanket; block; global; lumped; omnibus; overhead; total a
- 总括法 lump sum method; lump-sum method
- 总括价 blank price; lump price
- 总括量 generalized quantity
- 总括性 colligative properties
- 总括摊配率,总括税率 blanket rate
- 依数性, 总括性 colligative property
- 综合,总括,连接 colligation
- 总括保险 blank insurance; blanket i urance; blanket insurance; package insurance
- 总括保险单 blanket policy; closed policy; e.p. floating policy; general policy
- 总括的配额 global quota
- 总括抵押 blanket mortgage; package mortgage
- 总括定单 blanket order
- 总括订货 blanket order
- 总括订货单 blanket order
- 总括放款 omnibus credit
- 总括公约 umbrella convention
- 总括观念 all inclusive concept
- 总括管辖权 umbrella authority
- 总括合同 blanket contract
- 总括价格 blanket price; lump-sum price; package price
- 总括决议 omnibus resolution
- 总括配额 global quota
- 总括评价 summative evaluation
- 总括 来源:福步商贸网论坛 all-inclusive
- 总馈线 main feeder
- What you say comes to this .
你所说的总括来就是这样。 - They concluded that a single correlation could not account for the reported experimental data .
他们论断说,不能用一个单一的关系式总括所有的实验报告数据。 - She summed up that sane consistent something existing in nine out of ten of the people shelton knew .
她总括了谢尔顿所认识的十居八九的人们中那种稳健的言行一致。 - In conclusion , the interview was successful
总括来说,是次访问的进行十分成功。 - The first is to continue with the existing efforts
总括而言,处理这个问题有3个方案。 - In conclusion , the interview was quite successful
总括来说,是次访问的进行甚为成功。 - In conclusion , the interview was a huge success
总括来说,是次访问的进行是十分成功的。 - In gist , erp is no substitute for cwb
总括而言,电子道路收费不能取代兴建中环湾仔绕道。 - In sum , members were not attracted by this option
总括而言,委员会成员对此方案不表赞同。 - Overall the number is the lowest for the last 22 years
- 总括的法语:récapituler résumer
- 总括的日语:総括する.概括する. 总括起来说/総括して言えば.
- 总括的韩语:[명사][동사] 총괄(하다). 통괄(하다). 개괄(하다). 总括起来说; 총괄하여 말하면 =[综zōng括] →[概gài括]
- 总括的俄语:[zǒngkuò] обобщать; сводить воедино
- 总括什么意思:zǒngkuò 把各方面合在一起:~起来说│对各方面的情况加以~。