- 性格 nature; disposition; tempera ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 典型性 typicalness; representativen ...
- 典型性格 modal personality; typical character
- a型性格 type a personality
- 典型性 typicalness; representativeness; typicality◇典型性血友病 classical hemophilia
- 前面的典型 foretype
- 是的典型 ig5zemplifai i^zzmple9fai
- 完美的典型 a model of perfection
- 九型性格 iecc; tenn
- 理智型性格 intellectual type of character
- 情绪型性格 emotional type of character
- 意志型性格 character of volitional type
- 某事物的典型 typical example of sth
- 是…的典型特征 typical of
- 典型性效应 typicality effect
- 典型性原则 model principle
- 有…典型性的 typical of
- 表现性格的 characterful
- 气质的、性格的 temperamental
- 性格的形成 the formation of character
- 循环性格的 cycloid
- 不典型性腺癌 adenocarcinoma atypical
- 典型性血友病 classical hemophilia
- 非典型性肺炎 atypical pneumonia severe acute respiratory syndrome; severe acute respiratory syndrome (“sars”)