- 怜悯 pity; take pity on; have com ...
- 可怜 pity; have pity on
- 可怜,怜悯 pity for sb/sth; pityfor /sth
- 可怜悯地 sorrily
- 怜悯 pity; take pity on; have compassion for 智力迟钝的孩子需要的不是怜悯, 而是帮助。 a retarded child needs help, not pity. 他情不自禁地怜悯起那个可怜的人来。 he could not help having compassion for the poor creature
- 他情不自禁地怜悯起那个可怜的人来 he could not help having compassion for the poor creature
- 可怜 1.(值得怜悯) pitiful; pitiable; poor; pathetic 可怜的家伙 a poor fellow; 他露出一副可怜相。he looks pitiable.2.(怜悯) pity; have pity on; take compassion on 没人可怜他。 nobody feels sorry for him. 我可怜她。 i pity her. 我妹妹一向可怜那些无家可归的孩子。 my sister always takes pity on the homeless children.3.(数量少或质量坏得不值一提) meagre; wretched; miserable; pitiful 穷得可怜 miserably poor; 少得可怜 pathetically meagre
- 可怜可怜你 have a heart
- 怜悯,同情 commiserate
- 怜悯, 同情 have compassion on; take compassion on
- 怜悯的 commiserable; commiserative; pitying; rueful
- 怜悯地 commiseratively; pitifully; ruefully; sympathetically
- 怜悯我 mercy mercy me
- 怜悯心 (sense of) sympathy
- 同情, 怜悯 compassion
- 同情,怜悯 compassion; sympathy
- 可怜…,怜惜… have mercy on
- 可怜虫 a pitiful creature; wretch 慷慷慨慨! 甭装可怜虫! show some spunk. quit pretending you're being abused
- 可怜的 abject - exultant; forlorn; lamentable; lugubrious; miserable; painful; pathetical; pitiable; pitiful; plaintive; poor; rueful; sadder; saddest; sorrowful; sorry; squalid; wretched
- 可怜地 lamentably; piteously; pitiably; pitifully; pityingly; plaintively; ruefully; sordidly; tenderly; wretchedly
- 可怜见 tiankelianjian
- 可怜女 a poor girl; pitiful girl; the piteous girl
- 可怜人 i puvireddi; ipuvireddi; sorry ass
- 可怜我 mercy mercy me
- 可怜相 pitiable look