- a clear conscience does not fear false accusations
- 鬼 spirit; apparition; ghost
- 叫门 call at the door to be let i ...
- 不怕鬼叫门 a good conscience is a soft pillow; a good fame is better than a good face
- 不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门 a good conscience is a soft pillow
- 没做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门 Do nothing wrong,and no ghost will knock at your door.
- 没做亏心事不怕鬼叫门 do nothing wrong and no ghost will knock at your door
- 十三鬼叫门 ghost world; thir13en ghosts
- 一屋鬼叫门 13 ghosts; ghost world; thir13en ghosts; thirteen ghosts
- 叫门 call at the door to be let in; knock at the door
- 鬼叫 ghost screaming
- 呼叫门 call gate; gate call; gate, call
- 不怕鬼 daredevils
- 飞鬼叫 stealth fighter
- 鬼叫春 the ghost story
- 害怕鬼 fear of ghosts
- 暗夜鬼叫声 darkness falls
- 隔墙鬼叫 urban ghost story
- 也叫门襟止口 front edge
- 初次见佛胜似怕鬼 a buddha seen for the first time is more frightening than a familiar devil
- 心里越怕鬼越来 the more afraid you are, the more likely the devil is to come
- 夜半不怕鬼敲门 a ragged coat may cover an honest man
- 白天不做亏心事夜里不怕鬼敲门 a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder
- 为人不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门 a clear conscience is a sure card
- 怕黑 in the dark; the fear of darkness
- 怕光疼痛 photophobia pain
- 怕黑的女人 woman afraid of darkness