划清界限 draw a demarcation line with sb.; be sharply demarcated from; distinguish between things that are different in nature; draw [make] a clear distinction; draw a clear [sharp] line between a and b; make a clean break with sb.: 你必须和他划清界限。 you must make a clean break with him
分清 distinguish; draw a clear distinction between; draw a clear line of demarcation between 分清界限 draw a clear line of demarcation; 他的头脑已不再能分清幻觉和现实。 his mind could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality. 我们必须分清敌我。 we must draw a clear distinction between ourselves and the enemy
必须 must; have to; be obliged to ; necessary 必须指出 it must be pointed out that ...; 我们必须服从命令。 we must obey orders. 你必须按时到达那里。 you must be there on time. 我们必须马上出发。 we must start at once
分清敌友 know [distinguish] a friend from an enemy [a foe]; distinguish between a friend and an enemy