- power-body embracing all with his heart of mercy
- 心 the heart
- 佛 the Buddha
- 心服 be genuinely convinced; acknowledge (one's defeat, mistake, etc.) sincerely
- 心缝术 cardiorrhaphy
- 心服口服 be sincerely convinced; admire from the heart; admit sb.'s superiority; assent cordially to; be utterly convinced; not mere professed obedience but submission with a good grace
- 心缝合术 cardiorrhaphy
- 心浮 flighty and impatient; unstable
- 心风湿病 cardiac rheumatism; rheumatism of heart
- 心浮气燥 be unsettled and short-tempered
- 心蜂窝织炎 carditis phlegmonosa
- 心腐 heart rot; stem rot
- 心愤愤 vexation
- 心佛的俄语:pinyin:xīnfó будд. 1) будда (бог) в душе 2) душа человека — это будда
- 心佛什么意思: 1. 佛教语。 心中之佛。 ▶ 《华严经‧如来出现品》: “众生心佛, 还自教化众生。” 2. 佛教语。 心与佛。 ▶ 清 龚自珍 《诵得生净土陀罗尼记数簿书后》: “心佛不二门, 如 大势至菩萨 说。”