- 德国 Germany
- 语文 Chinese language language an ...
- 教学 teaching; education teaching ...
- 全语文教学 whole language approach
- 语文教学法 language teaching methodology; language teaching pedagogy
- 互动语文教学 interactive language instruction
- 语文教学模式 language instruction models
- 中学语文教学 language teaching in middle school
- 超媒体与语文教学 hypermedia and language instruction
- 多媒体语文教学 multimedia language instruction
- 社会及语文教学 society and language instruction
- 文化与语文教学 culture and language instruction
- 文学与语文教学 literature and language instruction
- 虚拟社群语文教学 virtual community language instruction
- 语言学与语文教学 linguistics and language instruction
- 智慧型语文教学 intelligent language instruction
- 中学语文教学法 chinese teaching method of middle school; teaching method of middle school chinese
- 多媒体与远距语文教学 multimedia and distance language instruction
- 发音中心的语文教学法 phonics
- 全埂学语文教学研究会 national society for the study of teaching the chinese language in primary schools
- 全国小学语文教学研究会 national society for the study of teaching the chinese language in primary schools
- 人工智慧与语文教学 artificial intelligence and language instruction
- 网路链结资源及语文教学 networked resources and language instruction
- 学习动机与语文教学 learning motivation and language instruction
- 语料语言学与语文教学 corpus linguistics and language instruction