Mitbestimmung in den wirtschaftsgebieten deutschlands 德国经济领域中的共决权
The latest development of nowadays german economic ethics 当代德国经济伦理学的最新发展
In contrast , german business confidence has risen to a 15 - year high 相反,德国经济信心却达到了15年来最高值。
On the controversy between different schools of contemporary german business ethics 论当代德国经济伦理学的学派论争
The iw aims to build an understanding in society of how a market economy works 德国经济研究所的目标是让人们了解市场经济的运行机制。
For so long a laggard in the euro area , its economy is now growing faster than the regional average 在欧元区内拖了那么久后腿的德国经济现在增速终于超过了区域均速。
After years of growth , the number of titles published in germany in 2002 fell by 7 . 3 per cent to below 80 , 000 德国经济不景气也影响了出版业的发展。在最近几年的快速增长后,
This specific orientation obliges the organization to develop the appropriate strategic objectives and organizational structures 这一定位是根据德国经济发展和企业大量的技术需求而决定的。
Hope for a lasting german recovery is mixed with concern about the outlook for countries where wage discipline has been less strict 对德国经济持久复苏的期待搀和着对工资制度欠严格国家之前景的担忧。
Understandable doubts remain about the durability of germany ' s revival : consumer spending has so far failed to take off convincingly 只是在德国经济复兴的持久度问题上,大家一如既往尚存疑虑:消费支出增长迄今为止仍不能令人信服。