

  • commerzbank



  • 例句与用法
  • Through the international comparison of ownership structure of american , japanese and german banks , the author discovered that there are wide differences among them
  • Finance is the core of contemporary economy , and commercial banking is the principal part of finance system after china j oined the wto , the biggest problem which commercial banks of our country encounter has been the problem of system risks therefore the research on managing and keeping away the commercial banking system risks of our country has great academic and practical significance by expatiating the basic theories of financial system which includes the theoretic analysis of four aspects : financial organization financial market system financial supervision system and financial system innovation together with the characteristics of commercial banks of our country in the transitional period the paper analyzes the ~ eneration mechanism of the commercial banking system risks of our country the defnition and characteristics of system risks , the behavior and the various factors of the commercial banking system risks one by one at the same time the main aspects of american and german commercial banks which include the type and appellation of commercial banks , the exterior form of organization 。 the dealings management system the deposit insurance system and the development current of commercial banks , are compared in addition , the financial supervision systems of america , british and japan are studied in detail based on the above analyzing combined with the situations in our country , the beneficial reference ’ and inspiration that we can draw are analyzed then it can be concluded that the origins from which the commercial banking system risks of our country derive exist in the peculiar property right system , organization system , capital system and juridical person system of our country , etc therefore to prevent and solve the commercial banking system risks of our country , we should begin with eliminating the system sources that result in risks and keep away the banking risks effectively by innovating the system in this paper , several precaution measurements are also proposed including accelerating decentralized regrouping of country , owned property , reforming the organization system of the commercial banks monopolized by the colintry , reforming and constructing capital system , establishing modem iuridical person system of commercial banks , and so on
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  • 推荐英语阅读
德国商业银行的英文翻译,德国商业银行英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译德国商业银行,德国商业银行的英文意思,德國商業銀行的英文德国商业银行 meaning in English德國商業銀行的英文德国商业银行怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
