- a hypothesis is a specific statement developed by a scientist from observations
- 得出 reach; obtain
- 论断 inference; judgment; thesis
- 作出论断 draw an inference
- 论断 inference; judgment; thesis 符合逻辑的论断 logical conclusion; 科学论断 scientific thesis; 著名的论断 celebrated thesis; 作出论断 draw an inference
- 得出 reach (a conclusion); obtain (a result) 从中得出教训 draw a lesson (from)
- 论断书 medical certificate
- 推理,论断 reason
- 要求;论断 claim
- 公共支出论 theory of public expenditure
- 日出论者 the sunrise exponents a title of the founders of the
- 提出论点 put forward an argument
- 退出论战 retreat from a controversy
- 宗座缺出论 sedevacantism
- 宗座缺出论者 sedevacantism
- 背得出 get away; get/learn by heart
- 达成,得出 arrive at
- 达到,得出 arrive at
- 到达,得出 arrive in at
- 看得出 discernibly
- 派生,得出 derive
- 由…得出 issue from
- 腐朽的论断 degenerate assertion
- 经营论断 management consulting
- 具体论断 concrete generalization
- 科学论断 scientific thesis