- 作品 works; opus
- 台词 actor's lines; dialogue
- 电视作品 television production
- 视作 along with; look on
- 台词 actor's lines; dialogue 忘记台词 blow [fluff; forget] one's lines
- 影视 bollywood; movie&tv; music movies and tv programs; music tv/movie literature art; seabiscuit
- 看待,视作 look on
- 视作,看待 look upon; lookupon
- 食品台 stand with shelves for holding food ready to be served
- 作品 works; opus◇作品风格 characteristic style of works
- 背台词 learn the line of a play; learn your lines
- 潜台词 [剧] unspoken words in a play left to the understanding of the audience or reader
- 台词本 prompt book
- 台词表 sides
- 忘台词 fluff one's lines
- 学台词 learn the lines of the play/ dialogue
- 帝观,观看;看待;视作 look on
- 监视作战 srveilops
- 旁观,观看,看待,视作 look on
- 视作等闲 regard as a light matter; pay no serious attention to it; treat lightly
- 测角样品台 goniometric specimen stage
- 产品台架 product rack
- 成品台架 product rack
- 加热样品台 specimen heating holder
- 拉伸样品台 specimen tensile holder