- 影片 film; movie; picture
- 未 did not; have not
- 宣传 conduct propaganda; propagat ...
- 草率 careless; cursory
- 上映 show; screen; be on; run
- 影片未分级 this film is not yet rated
- 影片的上映 exhibition of a film
- 影片上映 exhibition of films
- 首次上映的影片 show copy
- 上映 show (a film); screen; be on; run 这部影片已上映五天。 the film has run for five days
- 这部影片已上映五天 the film has run for five days
- 草率 (粗枝大叶, 敷衍了事) careless; perfunctory; rash; haste 草率地完成 shuffle through; 他总是草率行事。 he behaves in a brash way. 我们不应草率下结论, 还是先调查一下吧。 we should not jump to conclusions. let's investigate first
- 该影片被审查官员禁止上映 the film came under the ban of censor
- 宣传 conduct propagandapropagatedisseminategive publicity to
- 上映中 on view
- 继承, 遗传而得 inherit v.t
- 继承、遗传而得 inherit
- 影片 1.(放映的电影) film; movie; picture 彩色影片 colour film; 展出影片 exhibit film; 广告影片 advertising film; 黑白影片 black-and-white film; 新闻影片 newsreel; 禁演某部影片 ban a film; 摄制影片 produce a film; 影片未宣传而草率上映 dump; 这影片已连续放映了一个月。 the film has run for a month. 那部影片将由他执导。 the movie will be directed by him.2.(电影胶片) film; copy
- 草率,敷衍 perfunctory
- 草率的 careless; cursory - painstakingly thorough; hasty; hurried; jerry; perfunctory; rash; wholesale
- 草率地 curtly; hastily
- 杂草率 the rate of weeds
- 未宣布的卫星 unannounced satellite
- 在影片中加插赞助商的商品,是一种宣传方式 product placement
- 不日上映 coming soon