- if you fail to take when you've got the chance don't bemoan it later
- 当 proper; right
- 取 take; get; fetch
- 不 a block of wood
- 过后 afterwards; later
- 莫 no one; none; nothing
- 悔 regret; repent
- 当取不取,过后莫悔 If you fail to take when you've got the chance,don't bemoan it later.If you do not take what you ought to take,you must not regret it afterwards.
- 当取不取,坐失良机 He that will not when he may,when he will he shall have nay.
- 当取不取坐失良机 he that will not when he may when he will he shall have nay
- 莫悔 fkeerr
- 过后 afterwards; later 我们过后再谈。 let's talk about it later
- 不取样 unsampling
- 考不取 fail in an examination (for admission to a school, employment, etc.)
- 后莫弗里素 homoferreirin
- 后莫肯芬 hexetone
- 后莫圣草素 homoeriodictyol
- 后莫丝氨酸 homoserine
- 后莫紫檀素 homoptercarpin
- 后莫楸毒素 homorottlerin
- 过后,后来 late on
- 以后,过后 later on
- 不取分文 not take a cent; gratis; free of charge
- 不取芯钻头 borehole bit; noncoring bit; plugbit
- 不取心钻进 non-core drilling
- 不取心钻头 blind bit; coreless bit; full-face bit