The treatment of intercondylar fracture of femur and complicated an kylosis of knee by traffic accident 交通事故导致的股骨髁间骨折的治疗和并发膝关节强直的处理
The effect of deep brain stimulation and follow up treatment on tremor and spasm of peakinson ' s disease 脑深部电刺激参数调整和随访治疗帕金森病震颤及强直的疗效研究
Traditionally , rigid lumbar cures hae been treated with a combined anterior and posterior approach ; howeer , the absolute indications for this approach are unclear 传统观点认为,强直的腰椎曲线应该用前后路联合手术治疗,而这种手术的绝对适应症仍不清楚。