- brute force focusing
- brute force focussing
- 强力 brute force
- 聚焦 focus; focusing; concentrate
- 动力聚焦 dynamic focus
- 注意力聚焦 attention focusing
- 全世界的注意力聚焦北京 world attention focuses on beijing
- 强力 brute force◇强力爆破 heavy blasting;强力玻璃double strength glass
- 应力聚合物 stressed polymer
- 应力聚集 stress build up
- 聚焦 [物理学] (使光或电子束等聚集于一点) focus; focusing; concentrate 用取火镜使太阳光聚焦在一张纸上 focus the sun's rays on a piece of paper with a burning glass; 如果照相机镜头聚焦不准, 照片就会模糊不清。 if your camera is not brought into focus, the photograph will be blurried.; 聚焦磁铁 focus magnet; convergence magnet; 聚焦点 focus point; 聚焦电极 focusing electrode; 聚焦电流 focus current; focusing current; 聚焦电路 focus circuit; 聚焦电压 focus voltage; focusing voltage; 聚焦放大镜 focuser; 聚焦区 focal zone; 聚焦透镜 condenser lens; focusing lens; 聚焦显微镜 focusing microscope; 聚焦线圈 focus coil; focusing coil; convergence coil; 聚焦装置 focusing aid; focusing device; focusing mechanism; focusing unit
- 弹力聚酯纤维 texturized polyester
- 液体重力聚集 liquid-gravitative accumulation
- 场强力 field forcing
- 强力棒 strength bar
- 强力场 strong force field
- 强力的 forced; potent; powerful; probability; puissant; punchy; sledgehammer; superpower
- 强力钢 strong steel
- 强力管 transit pipe
- 强力胶 mighty bond; seccotine
- 强力梁 strength (or strong) beam; strong (or strength) beam; strong beam; strongorstrengthbeam
- 强力流 high flux
- 强力宁 potenlin
- 强力球 powerball
- 强力砂 strong sand
- 强力纱 lasting yarn
- 强力丸 strengthening pill