- during the snapping of the fingers; can be accomplished in a very brief space of time; in a twinkling
- 弹指 a short moment
- 可 approve
- 待 treat; deal with
- 弹指可得 can get it with a flick of the fingers
- 可待 right here witing
- 弹指球 knuckle ball
- 屈指可数 can be counted on one's fingers; very few; can be counted on the fingers of a [one] hand -- not many; may be counted by bending the fingers; only a few to count 他的日子屈指可数了。his days are numbered
- 可待酸 codeic acid
- 可待因 [药理学] codeine
- 弹指幻想曲 07-cantaloop; cantaloop
- 弹指婆婆纳 fingered speedwell
- 弹指曲球 knuckle-curve
- 弹指神通 a0ck; tanzhi-shentong
- 弹指式滚筒 spring tooth cylinder
- 弹指数载 several years passed as rapidly as the snap of a finger -- time passes swiftly as an arrow
- 弹指威龙 oscar
- 弹指须舆 during the snapping of the fingers; a very brief space of time
- 弹指一挥 with a mere snap of the fingers
- 弹指之间 (又作“弹指一挥间”) in a short moment; in a moment; in a flash; in an instant; in a twinkling of an eye
- 弹指之顷章 accharasavghata chapter
- 导弹指挥官 missile command
- 导弹指挥仪 missile fire control system
- 导弹指令 missile command; super missile attack (for set 2)
- 回弹指数 expansion index; rebound index; swelling index
- 枪弹指示器 cartridge indicator