Spray resin soft seal gate valves make use of the compensation effect of the elastic disc , s slender elastic deformation to get a good sealing effect . they have advantages of being turnde on / off easily , sealing dependable , environment protection cffect eviaent and service life long . they are suitable for a wid range of application in on / off and control service and widely used in indutries ranging from running water , sewage treatment , food processing , medicine manufacturing , construction , petroleum , chemical industry , electric power plant , metallurgical industry and light industry 吹塑软密封闸阀利用弹性闸板产生微量弹性变形的补偿作用达到良好的密封效果,该阀具有开关轻巧、密封可靠、环抱性能好及使用寿命长等优点,广泛应用于自来水、污水、建筑、石油、化工、食品、医药、轻纺、电力、冶金等流体管线上作为调节和截流装置使用。