It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions . 似乎一件区区小事就能引起连锁反应。
The performance problem multiplies in soa designs 性能问题在soa设计中会引起连锁反应。
Delays starting in new york often ripple across the country 自纽约开始的航班延误常常会在全国引起连锁反应。
And started chain reaction 甚至会引起连锁反应
A 4 . 99 per cent rise for senior employees was too high and could cause a chain reaction in the private sector 高级公务员4 . 99的加薪幅度偏高,可能会在商界引起连锁反应。
Age for 6 + ) place the dominoes into an orderly manner . all the dominoes will fall if one of them is pushed down as a result of chain reaction 适合6岁或以上)小朋友需运用心思,把一块块的骨牌整齐的挂列在模型上,如果骨牌放置在一个恰当的轨迹上,则一个骨牌倒下便会引起连锁反应而使所有骨牌在瞬间全部倒下。
Since their business pervades to every aspect of a society going with largest capitalization , and banks are high risks industries , if one bank suffers from risk , the risk may spread to other banks and then cause the whole financial risk . even this will result in social turbulence 由于现代银行业务渗透到社会生活的各个领域,银行本身又是一个高风险行业,一家银行出现危机,很容易在整个银行业引起连锁反应,引发全局性、系统性的金融风波,并可能导致整个社会动荡。