检查由错误使用类型代码引起的 discordant usage of cast operator and check of returned value of qualificator method
建筑绝热材料的应用类型和基本要求 application categories and basic requirements of thermal insulation materials for building
绝热材料的应用类型和基本要求 application categories and basic requirements of thermal insulation materials for building
引用 1.(援引) quote; cite 引用证言 adduce evidence; 引用列宁的语录 adduce a quotation from lenin; 引用第二手资料 quote at second hand (data); 他引用圣经来支持自己的信条。 he quotes (from) the bible to support his beliefs. 蒙代尔先生在讲话中引用了杜鲁门的话。 mr. mondale quoted from truman in his speech.2.(任用) recommend; appoint