- 引 draw; stretch
- 张 fix; string
- 断层 fault; slip; slicle; fractur ...
- 张断层 extension fault; tension fault
- 开张断层 open fault
- 张断裂 tensile crack; tension rupture
- 张断面 tensile fracture
- 拉力,引张 tension
- 地壳引张 crustal extension
- 牵引张力 drawing tension
- 引张强度 tension strength
- 引张试验 extension test
- 引张线法 method of tension wire alignment; tension wire alignment method
- 引张应力轴 axial of tension
- 断层 fault; slip; slicle; fracture; dislocation 倾向断层 dip fault; 走向断层 strike fault
- 引张性结构面 tensile structural plane
- 引张带式降落伞 parachute static line type
- 引张压缩试验机 tester tension and compression; tester,tension and compression
- 织物引张试验机 cloth tester
- γ断层 gammatomography
- 闭断层 close fault; closed fault
- 侧断层 lateral shear
- 超断层 superdislocation
- 冲断层 overlap fault; thrust fault; thrust slip fault
- 雏断层 incipient fault