

  • driverpersondrivingavehicle
  • person driving a vehicle



  • 例句与用法
  • When you see a group of deer helping a motorist in need
  • . . . when you see a group of deer helping a motorist in need
    . . .当你看到一队小鹿帮助一位需要帮助的开车人
  • Motorists ' thirst for fuel does indeed seem to be faltering in rich countries
  • You don ' t have to know a guy ' s life history just to thumb a ride with him
  • The body , suspended about 15 feet above the ground , could be easily seen from passing vehicles . state police spokesman cpl
    街上来往的开车人和行人很容易注意到这具悬挂在街边树上15英尺约4 . 57米高处的女尸。
  • Of those who are killed , 63 percent are drivers and 37 percent are passengers , with boys accounting for two - thirds of the fatalities
    死亡的人中, 63 %的是开车人, 37 %是乘车人,且交通事故中三分之二的是男孩。
  • A bridge officially designated the tallest in the world is to be inaugurated in southern france a spectacular feat of engineering that will carry motorists at 270 metres 885 feet above the valley of the river tarn
  • The apparent suicide of a woman found hanging from a tree went unreported for hours because passers - by thought the body was a halloween decoration , authorities said . the 42 - year - old woman used rope to hang herself across the street from some homes on a moderately busy road late tuesday or early wednesday , state police said
  • This follows a daily mail investigation last month which revealed that thousands of motorists could already have been wrongly fined for speeding because of flaws in the hand - held laser guns which raise serious doubts about their accuracy - including one which recorded a wall traveling at 44mph
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
开车人的英文翻译,开车人英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译开车人,开车人的英文意思,開車人的英文开车人 meaning in English開車人的英文开车人怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
