- 开拓 open up; reclaim; extension; ...
- 准备 prepare; get ready
- 回采 backstoping; recovery; stopp ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 煤 coal
- 准备回站 make up
- 未开采的煤 unworked coal
- 新开采的煤 freshly mined coal
- 已回采的 robbed out
- 准备回程起飞 turnaround for a departure; turnaround for departure
- 露天开采的煤。 open cast coal
- 未开采的煤层 virgin coal
- 回采的集中化 concentration of mining
- 未回采的区域 undisturbed territory
- 可露天开采的煤层 strippable coal
- 少量可开采的煤矿 few exploitable coalminess
- 未开采的煤层; 煤柱 virgin coal
- 分层回采的上层 top leaf
- 分层回采的下层 lower leaf
- 准备好的回采煤柱 judd
- 回采 [矿物学] backstoping; recovery; stopping; extraction 快速回采 fast extraction; 回采工作面 stope; stope face; heading stope; 回采巷道 stope drift active workings; 回采率 [矿物学] rate of recovery; percentage of recovery; recovery; 回采平巷 extraction drift; extraction gallery; 回采损失mining loss
- 开拓 1.(开辟; 扩展) open up; reclaim; extension; open-out prolongation; baring 开拓城乡市场 exploit the urban and rural markets; 开拓荒地 reclaim wasteland; 开拓市场 develop [explore] markets; 为发展石油工业开拓一条道路 open up a path for the development of oil industry; 开拓中美两国的联系 start contacts between china and the united states; 中国移民在十九世纪为开拓美洲大陆作出了贡献。 chinese settlers helped tame the american continent during the 19th century.2.[矿物学] (采掘前修建巷道等工序总称) developing; opening3.[数学] extension; 开拓成本 [经] develop cost; 开拓方法 development method; 开拓工程 development engineering; 开拓进尺 [煤矿] tunnelling footage; 开拓水道 [航海学] open lead; 开拓平巷 development drift; 开拓巷道 development working; 开拓钻孔 [采矿工程] development drilling; 开拓子 extensor
- 多采的 exuberant
- 开采的 productive
- 可采的 admissible; minable; payable