Name : qinghua shanshui kaiguang xiao bitong 青花山水开光小笔筒
On the origin of jingdezhen kraak porcelain paneled decorative art 景德镇克拉克瓷开光装饰艺术的起源
Qinghua shanshui kaiguang xiao bitong 青花山水开光小笔筒
Of june 2004 we held the ceremony of opening light and on 8 四年六月六日举行开光典礼,八月八日正式开课。
Click on any of the links and discover the myriad things to do and see in hong kong 旁,于1990年动工, 1993年12月开光,并开放给公众人士参观。
The shaolin temple ' s eminant monk enshrines monile numbers , this man spent 82 thousands yuan rmb to be enshrined one 少林寺高僧开光手机号码。此人以八万两千元拍得一个。
Although it has relatively slow switch velocity , but several tens of ns is sufficient for the design requirements 虽然其调制速度较低些,但是对于光开关设计要求而言,几十ns的开光速度已经足够。
Chen - long dynasty black powder colors twining stem and open space with enamel colors tea pat which is rare , museum collected , govenment kiln products 藏品描述:乾隆期,墨彩缠枝,珐琅彩开光把壶,罕见馆藏级,官窑制品。
On this day grand ceremonies are held on the jiuhua mountain . touring the mountain , one feels detached from reality and forgets all worldly cares 大庙新塑佛像安位上漆贴金,或古佛像重新上漆贴金,都要举行开光仪式,属于佛教大型活动之一。
On the edge of the mouth , triangle flowers pattern circle to that of neck part , continuing to the lower basvo ( banana plant ) leaves pattern 腹中间部位四个菱形开光等距团列,开光内绘龙戏珠纹,开光之间填饰卷枝宝相花,上下端以俯、仰变体莲瓣纹陪衬。
开光的韩语:(1)[동사]〈불교〉 (불상의 완성 후) 첫 불공 의식을 드리다. 개안(開眼)하다. (2)(kāiguāng) [명사] 개안. 开光戏xì; 개안식 때 상연하는 연극 ∥=[开眼(3)] (3)(kāiguāng) [명사] 납관(納棺)때 자녀가 솜에 물을 적셔 사자(死者)의 눈을 닦아 주는 것. (4)[동사] (머리를) 빡빡 깎다. (수염을) 빡빡 밀다....
开光的俄语:pinyin:kāiguāng 1) открыть свет 2) будд. ниспослать счастье (богомольцам, участвовавшим в первом богослужении после открытия (освящения) храма) 3) будд.