It was a cool spot , staid but cheerful , a wonderful place for echoes , and a very harbour from the raging streets 那地方清凉安谧幽静,今人陶醉,是个听回声的奇妙地方,是扰攘的市廛之外的一个避嚣良港。
She went upstairs to her bedroom . there she heard the loudspeaker begin to bellow , in an idiotically velveteen - genteel sort of voice , something about a series of street - cries , the very cream of genteel affectation imitating old criers . she pulled on her old violet coloured mackintosh , and slipped out of the house at the side door 她听见了他的声音里,含着一种满足的异的音调,她到楼上寝室里去,在那儿,她听见放音矾在呼号着一种矫揉造作的娇媚蠢笨的声音,这象是一种布廛的嚣喧,象是一个人摹舍己为人一个老贩的令人呕吐的声音,她穿上了她的紫色的旧雨衣,从一个旁门闪了出去。
廛的韩语:[명사]【문어】 (1)고대, 한 가구에 나누어 준 2.5묘(畝)의 택지(宅地). (2)점포. 가게. 市廛; 저자. 시장
廛的俄语:pinyin:15 (53, 12) 1)* земельный надел (в 2.5 или 1,5 му);поместье, усадьба 2)* земельный участок в 100 му (особенно лично обрабатываемый императором) 3) торговое помещение, торговые ряды облагать нал...