To clear ground, the nuremberg streetcar depot had to be removed . 要想廓清场地,纽伦堡电车总站必须迁移。
The first part : a clarification of basic theories 第一部分:理论廓清。
On the several issues in the process of constructing service oriented government 服务型政府建设中需廓清的几个问题
So it is very necessary to define the concept of personal dangerousness 因此,正确廓清人身危险性的概念是刻不容缓的。
Therefore it has the academic value to clarify jameson ' s postmodern theory 廓清詹明信的后现代理论的旨趣,具有重要的学术意义。
Refinement and clarification to the core concept of " role " with regard to rbac 2 进一步廓清了rbac的核心概念? “角色”的本质。
Typical angiographic signs were found in one patient , and atypical signs in the other 两者皆接受根治性的肾切除及主脉周围淋巴腺廓清术。
A landscape that is forever etched in my memory ; trees that were etched against the winter sky 永远铭刻在我记忆中的一幅风景画;在冬日天空的衬托下轮廓清晰的树
Therefore , it ' s really necessary to do some basic research on overlap of criminal law articles 因此,无论从理论廓清还是实践需求出发,均有必要对此一基本理论问题进行研究。
Hence the writer of the paper claims that the relevant discussion will be greatly helpful for the understanding of the mass education 梳理和辨析这些争论,对于廓清民众教育的本质有一定的帮助。