Many men fought for the abolition of slavery 许多人为废除奴隶制度而奋斗
Adams attempted to outlaw slavery in the district of columbia ( washington . d . c . ) 亚当众议员尝试在哥伦比亚(华盛顿市)废除奴隶制度。
The thirteenth amendment to the united states constitution is ratified , banning slavery 1865年,美国宪法用来废除奴隶制度的第十三修正案被批准通过。
Thoreau also helped runaway slaves and defended those who fought for the end of slavery 梭罗也帮助那些逃跑的奴隶,并且和那些要求废除奴隶制度的人站在一起。
It was difficult to end the system of slavery before the civil war because the people who owned the slaves had a vested interest in keeping it 美国南北战争以前,要废除奴隶制度是因难的,因为维持这一制度的人有既得利益。
Because the book divided people into those who wished to abolish slavery ( abolitionists ) and those who wished to maintain slavery ( anti - abolitionists ) , it is often listed as one of the causes of the civil war 因为这本书将美国人民分割成两派:一派支持废除奴隶制度,另一派赞成维持奴隶制度,所以也被当成是引起美国内战的主要原因之一。
But to ensure that it is our hopes and not our fears that will be realized in this revolutionary age , we do need to build on marshall s core belief that the united states must remain a global power , and that our best security policy is one which prevents conflict 在这些转捩点上,美国曾维系了国家的完整并废除奴隶制度;实施妇女参政权;在詹森总统领导下,不分种族地赋予所有美国人基本的法定权利。在那每一个时刻里,我们反省自己的国家,并且有勇气表示,这不是我国应有的样子,我们可以做得更好。