The mansion cures handed down the tuodong city 府治沿袭拓东城。
The province of yunnan cure , the mansion cure and the kunming country cure established together in the city of kunming 云南省治府治和昆明县治同设在昆明城内。
Ucheng to jinan and it has been governed by eparchy , state and province . it became a city in 1929 . the old district has gone through the ancient fortress of lixla 济南,因位于古济水以南而得名,先后经历泺、历下、历城、济南(郡、府、路、道、市)等变化,历经“郡治?府治?省府” , 1929年设市。
This quota for young students seeking to pass government examination for civil and military services was set at 12 each year . the intelligentsia emerged earlier in old agrarian communities than in new farming settlements , in towns than in rural villages , and in government administrative districts than in business - oriented localities 就各地区士绅阶层建立的先后关系看,一般情形多是熟垦区早于初垦区城市或市街早于乡村府治和厅治等行政中心早于商业中心的一般市街。