Describes the common language runtime events for which the host can register callbacks 描述宿主可为其注册回调的公共语言运行库事件。
Show whether gdb stops and gives you control when shared library events happen 显示当共享库事件发生时,是否gdb停止并把控制权交给你。
This command controls whether gdb should give you control when the dynamic linker notifies it about some shared library event 这一命令控制当动态链接器通知了一些共享库事件时,是否让gdb把控制权转入你的手里。
Event notifications are a special kind of database object and send information about server and database events to a service broker service 事件通知是一种特殊的数据库对象,可以将有关服务器和数据库事件的信息发送到service broker 。
Event notifications are special kinds of database object that send information about server and database events to a sql server service broker 事件通知是特殊种类的数据库对象,用于将有关服务器和数据库事件的信息发送到sql server service broker 。
Describes event notifications as a special kind of database object that can send information about server and database events to a service broker 说明作为特殊数据库对象的事件通知,事件通知可以向service broker发送有关服务器和数据库事件的信息。