- 广告 advertisement; advert; ad; p ...
- 缩写 1.[语言学] abbreviation: ""mathematics"" 有时缩写成""math""。""mathematics"" is sometimes abbreviated to""math"". ""mr""是 ""mister""的缩写。 ""mr"" is the abbreviation of ""mister"".2.(缩短篇幅) abridge 一篇报告的缩写 a condensed report; 我的处女作的缩写本 the condensation of my first book; 根据""如我所见""一文的缩写 condensed from ""as i see it""; 缩写本 abridged edition [version]; 缩写规则 contraction rule; 缩写签字 initials; 缩写字 acronym
- 广告 advertisement; advert; ad; poster 分类广告 classified advertisements; 整页的广告 a full page advertisement; 做广告 advertise; 广告掮客 ad solicitor; 橱窗广告 window advertisement; 在报纸上登广告招聘英语教师 advertise for teachers of english in the newspapers; 把顾客当作他们的活广告 take customers as their walking advertisement; 如果你想找工作, 可以在《纽约时报》上登一则广告。 if you want a job, put an adviertisement in new york times.; 广告车 media; 广告代理人 advertising agent; 广告费 rate of advertising; advertising fee; 广告风景 adscape; 广告歌[小调] jingle; 广告公司经理 advertising manager; 广告价格 advertising rates; 广告经纪人 advertising broker; 广告栏 billboard; advertisement column; 广告牌 signboard; billboard; 广告片 advertising film; 广告色 poster colour [paint]; 广告社 advertisement service; 广告设计 advertising design; 广告时间 time spot; 广告文字 copy; 广告限制 advertising restrictions; 广告协会 advertising association; 广告心理学 advertising psychology; 广告宣传 advertising; 广告研究 advertising research; 广告艺术家 commercial artist; 广告纸 poster paper; 广告中间商 agent; middleman; 广告撰稿人 copywriter; 广告咨询费 cost of inquiry
- 缩写,缩写为 abbreviate
- 缩写缩写词 abbreviation
- 简称, 缩写 for short
- 缩写,简化 abbreviate
- 缩写,省略 abbreviate
- 缩写本 condensation; condensed edition; overwrite
- 缩写词 abbreviation; acronym
- 缩写的 a ; abbreviative; abbreviatory
- 缩写法 abbreviation
- 缩写号 apostrophe
- 缩写名 short name
- 缩写谱 condensed score; electronic resource
- 缩写器 summarizer
- 缩写式 abbreviated formula; contractions
- 缩写是 u.s
- 缩写为 abbreviate v; dr doctor
- 缩写者 abbreviator
- 缩写字 abbreviation; acronym
- 为缩写 en
- 我是(缩写) i'm
- 之缩写 creative director; thickness of oxide