- 幽 deep and remote; secluded; d ...
- 戏 play; sport
- 奇谈 strange tale; absurd argumen ...
- 奇谈 strange tale; absurd argument; fantastic stories 海外奇谈 strange tales from over the seas
- 马戏奇观 the wonderful sight of a circus
- 故事,奇谈 yarn n
- 屋奇谈 yumedama kidan
- 澳洲奇谈 walkabout
- 半夜奇谈 strange tale at midnight
- 电影奇谈 the big picture
- 鬼屋奇谈 the sentinel
- 海外奇谈 a strange story from beyond [over] the seas; a fantastic tale; a curious tale; an exciting story of adventure; a tall story; a traveler's tale; strange stories of other countries; an unfounded, absurd assertion or story 这只不过是海外奇谈。 it is nothing
- 降临奇谈 mb comics
- 今古奇谈 modern and ancient strange talks
- 奇谈怪论 sheer fallacy; absurd [ridiculous] argument; absurdities; fantastic stories and theories; nonsensical and preposterous argument; strange and preposterous ideas; strange tales [tale]
- 千古奇谈 strange stories of all ages; a forever strange tale
- 网络奇谈 ebay ebay
- 西国奇谈-上集 stories of the western kingdom
- 校园奇谈 yarn
- 妖怪奇谈 yokai kidan
- 北方小镇奇谈 the northerners
- 实验物理奇谈 advances in experimental physics
- 结界师 乌森妖奇谈 ds
- 实验物理学奇谈 adventures in experimental physics
- 中国怪谈奇谈集 ribun books