Thus far the elder traveller had listened with due gravity . 到此为止,年长的旅行者一直在倾听着,表现出一种恰如其分的严肃神态。
An appointment was made for us, by an old delaware to meet at the rock near the foot of this lake . 一位年长的特拉华人安排我们在湖边的一块岩石旁会面。
Tom was a glittering hero once more-the pet of the old, the envy of the young . 汤姆又一次成了一位金光闪闪的英雄--为年长的人们所宠爱,年轻的人们所羡慕。
She acted well, but two or three of the old men were equally satisfied that it was merely acting . 虽然她装得十分象,但另外也有两三个年长的人发现她是做作的。
An elderly man with a face that was a weather map of his years spat into the fireplace and said . 一位年长的人,他的一张脸就是他岁月的气象图,往火炉里吐口唾沫说。
Again, on the bench, the same presiding commissioner was flanked by the elderly administrative law judge . 主席台上,同一个主持会议的委员的身边还是坐着那个年长的行政法官。
In this view they were sedulously abetted by their mother, aunts and other elderly female relatives . 在这方面,他们得到了他们的母亲,婶婶以及其它年长的女亲戚们孜孜不倦的怂恿。
Both his family and peasant heritage had taught rudi always to behave respectfully and generously toward others, especially elders . 由于家庭和农民习俗的影响,鲁迪待人总是慷慨有礼,对待年长的人尤其如此。
The advice was considered shocking by the elders who heard his address; deity had lost its definite article, and the place allotted it seemed too extra-curricular even for unitarians . 年长的听得此言大吃一惊,神灵一词没有加定冠词,给它的地位在唯一神教徒看来都不免有悖教义。