- 平 flat; level; even; smooth
- 成 accomplish; succeed
- 军人 soldier
- 将 ask; appeal for
- 棋 chess or any board game
- 平成 binh thanh; heisei
- 将棋 janggi; shogi; shougi; tbg
- 许成军 xu chengjun
- 军人 soldier; serviceman; armyman 复员军人 demobilized soldier; 现役军人 persons in active service; 职业军人 a career [professional; occupation] soldier; 残废军人 a disabled soldier; a crippled soldier; 他看上去像一个军人。 he looks like a soldier.; 军人大会 soldier's conference (of a company); 军人家属 soldier's [army] dependants; armyman's family members
- 平成东 binh thanh dong
- 平成像 image plane
- 平成新 binh thanh tan
- 平成中 binh thanh trung
- 本将棋 shogi
- 广将棋 ko shogi
- 将棋王 shogi oh
- 成军巡航 shakedown cruise
- 合成军队 combined arms unit
- 溃不成军 be utterly routed; an army in disarray; (the enemy) had been defeated, and the withdrawal turned into a rout.; the army has collapsed.; the army is completely routed.; the (enemy) troops fled in great disorder.: 敌军被打得溃不成军, 狼狈逃窜。 utterly routed, the enemy fled in confusion
- 试航;成军巡航 shakedown cruise
- 小熊成军 the bad news bears
- 组成军团的 legioned
- 平成风俗 heisei fuuzoku
- 平成狸合战 heisei tanuki gassen pompoko; ponpoko; the raccoon war pom poko
- 平成新鬼岛 heisei shin oni ga shima zenpen