[语言学] level tone, one of the four tones in classical chinese, which has evolved into the high and level tone (阴平) and the rising tone (阳平) in modern standard pronunciation
On the features of the level - tone words and its melodies in chinese kunqu opera 昆曲平声字的字声特征与腔格
Listen , i don ' t want to have it out with you . can we just talk about it quietly 听着,我不想跟你争吵。我们能平声静气地谈吗?
Three astronauts will go into space and two of them are expected to make space walks , huang was quoted as saying 黄春平声称, 3名宇航员将会被送入太空,预计其中的两人将会进行太空行走。
As their meters , there are form of four sentences of seven words , form of the mixture of four , five or six long and short sentences 其格律有七言四句体、长短句间杂的四句体、五句体、六句体,一般都押韵,大多押平声韵,衬字、村词运用普遍。
The importance of tone is limited in the modern shanghainese , especially in the atonic syllables . one marks only the accentuated tones 由于现代上海话声调作用有限,联拼时候只需标出重读音节,用西班牙语重音符号? ,表示去声以外的声调(平声、入声) ;非重读音节可以不标调。
In studying the different methods of indicating the pronunciation of a chinese character by using two other characters between s . 2055 and other dictionaries of rhyming words , the author found what showed in s . 2055 might be some characteristics in oral language at that time , e . g . the voiced sound and voiceless sound use same initial consonant for the voiced sound had been voiceless ; there was misuse for the initial consonant between the group of zhi and the group of zhao 摘要本文通过研究s . 2055与其他韵书不同反切,认为所反映的可能是当时口语的一些特点:浊音声母与清音有混用,浊音已经清化了;知组声母与照组包括二等与三等有相混的现象;东冬钟归字混乱,三部不分;支脂之三韵也有交涉;微韵“蕲”存在之韵的又音; “解”字有平声一读。