- sudden wind and waves on the level ground -- an unexpected occurrence; a bolt from the blue; a crisis out of nowhere; a sudden occurrence of calamity; a sudden storm on a calm sea; a sudden, unexpected turn of events; stir up trouble out of nothing; unexpected [unforeseen] trouble
- 平地起风波 a storm out of nowhere
- 风波 disturbance; wind wave; a storm in a teacup 平地起风波 a storm out of nowhere; 风波迭起。 disturbances arose repeatedly
- 平地 1.(把土地整平) level the land; rake the land; rake the ground; rake the soil smooth2.(平坦的土地) level ground; flat ground; flatland; flat; lawn◇平地机 [农业] land leveller; grader; [交通运输] road grader
- 背地风 behind somebody's back; on the sly; privately
- 局地风 local wind
- 陆地风 land breeze
- 钻地风 chinese hydrangeavine root-bark; schizophragma integrifolium
- 背风波 lee waves
- 卜风波 bu fengbo
- 东风波 easterly wave; ensterly wave
- 焚风波 foehn wave
- 风波动 wind fluctuation
- 西风波 westerly wave
- 下风波 lee wave
- 小风波 all out of love
- 迎风波 windward slope
- 本地风光 local colour
- 本地风俗 local customs
- 草地风毛菊 saussurea amara dc
- 齿缘钻地风 littletooth hydrangeavine root
- 床地风云 bed and board; domicile conjugal
- 当地风格 native style
- 当地风俗 local tradition
- 地方风 局地风 local wind
- 平地滚压器 land roller
- 平地而起 rise from the level ground
- 平地风波的日语:〈成〉突然起こる事件のたとえ.思いがけない事故.
- 平地风波的韩语:【성어】 (1)뜻밖의 재난. 날벼락. (2)평지풍파를 일으키다. 있지도 않은 일을 날조하다.
- 平地风波的俄语:[píngdì fēngbō] обр. как гром среди ясного неба; неожиданный поворот событий
- 平地风波什么意思:píng dì fēng bō 【解释】平地上起风浪。比喻突然发生意料不到的纠纷或事故。 【出处】唐·刘禹锡《竹枝词》:“常恨人心不如水,等闲平地起波澜。” 【示例】纣王见贾氏坠楼而死,好懊恼,~,悔之不及。(明·许仲琳《封神演义》第三十回) 【拼音码】pdfb 【用法】偏正式;作宾语、定语;比喻突然发生意料不到的纠纷或事故 【英文】a sudden storm on a calm se...