Article 47 it shall be prohibited to install a level crossing or a pedestrian cross - walk without proper authorization 第四十七条禁止擅自在铁路线路上铺设平交道口和人行过道。
Necessary signs and protective installations must be provided at level crossings or pedestrian cross - walks in conformity with relevant regulations 平交道口和人行过道必须按照规定设置必要的标志和防护设施。
Pedestrians and vehicles must , when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross - walk , observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings 行人和车辆通过铁路平交道口和人行过道时,必须遵守有关通行的规定。
The removal of an established level crossing or pedestrian cross - walk shall be decided by the railway transport enterprise , or the relevant enterprise owning the relating industrial railway or private siding , or any other relevant unit by agreement with the local people ' s government 拆除已经设置的平交道口或者人行过道,由铁路运输企业或者建有专用铁路、铁路专用线的企业或者其他单位和当地人民政府商定。
The setting up of a level crossing or a pedestrian cross - walk within a planned urban area shall be decided by the railway transport enterprise , or the relevant enterprise owning the relating industrial railways or private sidings , or any other relevant unit jointly with the department in charge of city planning 在城市规划区内设置平交道口或者人行过道,由铁路运输企业或者建有专用铁路、铁路专用线的企业或者其他单位和城市规划主管部门共同决定。