- 干预 intervene; interpose; meddle
- 经济 economy
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 预算 budget; 1991
- 政策 policy
- 预算政策 budgetary policy
- 不干预经济学 hands-off economics
- 国家干预经济 state economic intervention; state intervention in the economy
- 补偿预算政策 compensatory budget policy
- 财政预算政策 budgetary policy
- 私有和政府干预经济 private ownership and government involvement in the economy
- 经济的 commercial; economical; economy; efficient; oecumenical; profitable; thrifty; utility
- 按现行政策继续执行的预算 current policy budget
- 不干预政策 hands-off a roach; hands-off approach; non-interventionism; non-interventionist policy
- 干预政策 intervention policies
- 对外开放,对内搞活经济的政策 policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy
- 对外开放对内搞活经济的政策 policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy
- 经济的国际化和环境政策选择 internationalization of the economy and environmental policy options
- 核准的预算 approved budget
- 建议的预算 proposed budget
- 紧缩的预算 tight budget
- 庞大的预算 huge budget
- 膨胀的预算 inflated budget
- 对经济既不刺激又不紧缩的预算 cautious neutral budget; cautious-neutral budget
- (经济的)繁荣 boom