Discussion about the reformation of air dry coal preparation machine 风力干选机改进方法的探讨
Application of ygx6563 mobile dry separator in xiakouyi concentrator 6563移动式干选机在峡口驿选矿厂的应用
Experimental research on recovery of mica from tailings of air - separated fragmental mica 从碎云母干选尾矿中回收云母的试验研究
Combining the character of heiyingshan ' s lean iron ore and the experiences of hematite dressing home and abroad and locale character that located in the center of gobi desert and lacking electricity and fresh water , we have finished three ways of trial studying which are the magnetic ore dressing , lump dry - magnetic dressing and magnetic - gravity ore dressing 根据黑鹰山矿贫铁矿石性质和国内外红铁矿选矿实践,结合黑鹰山矿现场地处戈壁沙漠、缺电少水特点,选择全磁选方案、块矿干选-磁选方案及磁选-重选方案进行选矿试验研究,针对选矿试验情况对中磁?强磁(一粗一精)选矿流程进行了扩大试验。