Can part of the sub trunk roads be modified 可以修改部分主次干路吗?
The requirement of stability is easily reached , due to the design height of embankment is several meter 由干路堤设计高度一般只有几米,稳定条件较易满足。
Can you believe it ? four weeks ago , this was one of the busiest streets in beijing 相信吗?这是上午的北京东三环( 2003 / 05 / 16 ) 。四个星期以前这里是全北京最繁忙的交通干路之一。
The solution of a problem of overcurrent in a line must last . short - lived solutions are not cost - effective 干路上的过流问题的解决必须是持续性的。短时的解决方法是没有实效性的?
The overcurrent level in each line must be analyzed for periods of five years to allow bigger flexibility in planning 为了要在规划上有较大的灵活性,就必须对每条干路上的过流现象做为期五年的长远分析?
One by one , they were placed in a maze consisting of a central path with several routes leading off it 它们依次被置于由一条干路和数条支路所组成的迷宫之中,所有支路外观都相同,但其中只有一条可通向食物。
The choice of an overcruuent line amongst the several overcurrent lines in a feeder will be the line nearest ( in number of bars ) to the reference bar 在一个馈线线路(设备)的干路中选择一条过流干路,在它附近(纵横交错着)同样的支路?
Removal of two temporary slip roads between the existing approach of pok oi flyover and the existing distributors including two temporary junctions and the temporary noise barriers 建筑行车及行人隧道封闭两条现时位于博爱天桥与干路之间的临时支路及移走该处之临时隔音屏障
The insertion of capacitor cells in a bar to solve a overcrrent problem in a line or to solve a undervoltage problem in a bar must not cause overvoltage in any bar 在支路上加入电容元件可以解决在干路上的过流问题或者在支路上的低电压问题,但要保证不会造成任何支路上的过电压?
Further to the completion of some major distributor roads in 1997 , roads linking the airport railway s olympic and kowloon stations were opened in 1998 to tie in with the railway s opening 随一些主要干路在一九九七年建成后,连接机铁奥运站及九龙站的道路也于一九九八年通车,以配合机铁的?用。