come straight to the point without the slightest hesitation; be crisp, clean-cut and clear; the blithe, crisp sentence, decisive as a child's expression of his needs; tell plain facts in plain words; tell the naked truth
干脆 1.(直截了当) clear-cut; straightforward; not mince one's words 干脆一点嘛 ! make it snappy!2.(爽快) simply; just; altogether 你干脆说 “行” 还是“不行” 。 just say yes or no
利落 1.(灵活敏捷) agile; nimble; dexterous 动作利落 agile movements; 手脚利落 dexterous; deft; 说话不利落 speak slowly and indistinctly2.(整齐有条理) neat; orderly 房间干净利落。 the room is neat and tidy.3.(完毕) settled; finished 事情总算办利落了。 the matter has been all settled
She was very brisk and alert . 她完全是一副干脆利落、精神抖擞的神情。
The end of the thirty years war was an untidy affair . 三十年战争的结局并不干脆利落。
It is clear to me that you are a man of affairs and action . 我一眼就看出,您是个知识渊博、干脆利落的人。
God bless you, dearest sister, for that brave and ready act . 上帝赐福给你,最最亲爱的好妹妹,为了你做得这样勇敢,这样干脆利落。
"may i ask," said butler, his suspicious increasing at the ready alacrity of the answer, "who this man is? " 对这干脆利落的回答,巴特勒的怀疑加深了,他说:“我可以问一声这个人是谁吗?”
Celia knew that she looked good and that the combination was a happy blend of business crispness and femininity . 西莉亚知道,这样打扮,把生意人的干脆利落和女性的特点完满地结合在一起了,很中看。
The janitor made quick work of the mess 管理员干脆利落地收拾完了那一堆乱七八糟的东西。
Their passing was crisper , their offense was relentless , 他们的传球干脆利落,他们的防御无懈可击,
The foreign ministry spokesman gave the reporter a neat answer 外交部发言人给了那个记者一个干脆利落的回答。