

  • dry well



  • 例句与用法
  • The closed - loop - cooled dry - pit submersible motor design utilizes a patented cooling self - contained cooling system
  • After installation , a field test shall be performed by the installer on each completed dry - pit submersible pump system
  • People want to fill it , but nobody can do it well . now theres still a hole in the yard of huairou machine factory
  • Patented closed - loop - cooled ( " clc " ) motor for dry - pit units ( series 9235 ) for continuous operation in non - submerged or flooded conditions
    拥有专利保护的“密封环冷却” ( clc )技术的电机,配置在干井装置( 9235系列)上,在无潜水状态或洪涝状态下仍然能够持续运转。
  • The low speed shaft features a “ no - leak ” drywell design that physically separates the oil sump from the output shaft to eliminate gear oil contamination of the tank product
    低速轴的特点是: “无泄漏”的干井式设计,油箱与主轴分离,消除了齿轮油污染槽体内介质的机会。
  • Now the sons of israel set out from beeroth bene - jaakan to moserah . there aaron died and there he was buried and eleazar his son ministered as priest in his place
    申10 : 6 (以色列人从比罗比尼亚干或作亚干井起行、到了摩西拉。亚伦死在那里、就葬在那里他儿子以利亚撒、接续他供祭司的职分。
  • The pump manufacturer shall be responsible for furnishing and coordinating the dry - pit submersible pumps and controls to ensure compatibility of the equipment to perform the specified requirements of the pumping system
  • For applications that require continuous non - submerged operation , such as dry - pit submersible installations , it is recommended that the design engineer specify the motor type best suited for the intended service
  • The dry pit submersible pumping units specified shall be the products of reputable manufacturers who have been regularly engaged in the design , manufacture and furnishing of submersible pumping equipment for at least ten ( 10 ) years
    这里指定的干井潜水泵装置应该由著名的、专注于设计、制造和配置潜水泵设备至少十( 10 )年以上的制造商生产制造。
  • The map shows the similarity between each location in the study area and the location chosen at oil & gas well or dry well , thus it can predict both favorable and poor sectors of oil & gas bearing
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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