- norm referenced score
- normreferenced scoree
- 常 ordinary; common; normal
- 模 mould; pattern; matrix
- 参照 refer to; consult
- 分数 fraction; fractional number
- 常模参照测量 norm-referenced measurement
- 常模参照测验 norm referenced test; norm-referenced test; nrt
- 常模参照措施 norm-referenced measure
- 常模参照考试 norm-referenced test
- 常模参照评量 norm referenced evaluation; referenced evaluation
- 常模参照测验法 norm referenced testing; referenced testing
- 常模参照记分法 norm referenced grading; referenced grading
- 常模参照评分体系 norm-referenced grading system; norm―referenced grading system
- 常模(或常模分数) norm or normative score
- 参照分析方法 referee method of analysis; reference method of analysis
- 常模分数 normative score
- 常模 norm
- 参照 refer to; consult 我们参照原文作了必要的修改。 we consulted the original and made some necessary changes. 参照地图能将这条路线看得十分清楚。 the route is best seen by reference to the map.; 参照法 reference entry; 参照符号 reference marks; mark of reference; 参照构[标]架 frame of reference; 参照国际市场价格 base on prevailing international market prices; 参照级 reference level; 参照指示[命名]符 reference designator; 参照数据 comparable data; 参照团体 reference group; 参照物 object of reference; fiduciary object; reference; 参照系 frame of reference; reference system
- t分数 t score; t-score
- 分数 1.[数学] fraction; fractional number 带分数 mixed number; 繁分数 complex fraction; 假分数 improper fraction; 真分数 proper fraction2.(表示成绩等的数字) mark; grade; point 他在考试中得到好分数。 he attained a good mark in the examination. 他的三角学分数很低。 he received a low mark for trigonometry. 他的学期论文得了个不及格分数。 he received a falling grade on the term paper
- 对照分析 contrast analysis; cross-check analysis
- 辐照分解 radiolysis
- 光照分布 illumination distribution
- 常模表 norm table
- 常模的 normative
- 异常模 extraordinary mode wave