(领导; 引导) lead; head; guide 短语和例子
带领一支部队 lead an army; 带领群众朝着正确的方向前进 guide the masses in the correct direction; 1927年底, 他带领武装农民进入赣南山区。 in late 1927 he led the armed peasants into the hills of south jiangxi
He herds them toward his car . 他带领 着他们向自己的汽车停放处走去。 In training he had commanded his company well . 他带领 一个连队,在训练中统率有方。 If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch . 如果由盲人带领 盲人,两者将同堕深沟。 In late 1927 he led the armed peasants into the hills of south jiangxi . 1927年底他带领 武装农民进入赣南山区。 General ching's resolute group moved south from honan province . 秦将军带领 的这支患难与共的队伍从河南府往南移动。 Hawk-eye is able to bring his friends safely through the enemy lines . “鹰眼”依然能够带领 朋友们安全通过敌人的防线。 You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court properly . 进入皇宫时先要在入口大厅等候,由人带领 进入正殿。 I shall have to take the pupils into the hills, as usual, and see them settled there . 跟往常一样,我要带领 学生上山去,照料他们在那儿安顿好。 With some of his bravest knights king richard embarked on a small ship and sailed for home . 理查王带领 几个最勇敢的骑士搭乘一条小船启程回国。 When you are on a job with men under you, check and initial their time sheets every night . 在你带领 工人工作时,每晚需检查他们的计工表,并签名作证。
带领的法语 :动 mener;guider;conduire;diriger带领的日语 :(1)引率する.案内する.引き連れる. 导游带领大家参观了名胜古迹/ガイドがみんなを連れて名所古跡を見学した. 老渔夫带领新手出海捕 bǔ 鱼/ベテランの漁師が新米を率いて海に出漁する. (2)指導する.指揮する. 带领人马/軍隊を指揮する.带领的韩语 :[동사] (1)데리다. 안내하다. 老同学带领新同学去见老师; 재학생이 신입생을 데리고 선생님을 뵈러 가다 带领母亲进京; 어머니를 모시고 상경하다 =[领带(2)] (2)인솔하다. 영솔하다. 带领人马; 군대를 인솔하다 老师带领同学们到郊区帮助农民秋收; 선생님은 학생들을 인솔하여 농민들의 추수를 도우러 교외로 갔다带领的俄语 :[dàilǐng] вести (за собой); возглавлять带领什么意思 :dàilǐng ①在前带头使后面的人跟随着:老同学~新同学去见老师。 ②领导或指挥(一群人进行集体活动):老师~同学们去支援麦收。