- 帐单 bill; check; statement of ac ...
- 议案 proposal; motion; bill; reco ...
- 议案 proposal; motion; bill; recommendation 财政议案 money bills; 提出关于 ... 的议案 advance a proposal on ...; 该项议案以多数赞同而获得通过。 the motion was carried by a considerable majority
- 帐单 bill; check; statement of account; reckoning
- 动议;议案 motion
- 法案,议案 bill
- 建议案 proprsal; recommendation
- 结案;议案 plan for a future law
- 决议案 draft resolution; resolutions
- 议案,法案 bill
- 对帐单 statement of account
- 付帐单 pay the bill
- 记帐单 cradit note
- 结帐单 billing statement
- 进帐单 pay-inslip
- 开帐单 billing; render a bill; to make out a bill
- 送帐单 bill
- 帐单,报单 bill
- 帐单,票据 bill
- 帐单,帐表 statement of account
- 帐单;清单 bill n. list of things that must be paid for
- 帐单夹 bill folder
- 帐户;帐单 account {= a/c
- 总帐单 bulk billing; master bill
- 〔美国〕综合议案。 omnibus bill