It was now hero's turn to play her part with beatrice . 现在该轮到希罗来尽她对贝特丽丝的一份责任了。
But herodotus is too alluring a companion for one who would write an outline of history . 但是对于要编写一部史纲的人来说,希罗多德是个过于引人入胜的同行。
Murders, revolts, chastisements, disasters, cunning alliances, and base betrayals, and no herodotus to record them . 谋杀,叛乱,惩罚,灾难,狡诈的联盟和卑鄙的背信弃义,而没有希罗多德这样的人把它们记载下来。
Herodotus only wrote about places he knew 希罗多德只是写了一下他所知道的地方。
It was thou didst snatch me from his arms 希罗底王后:是你把我从他的怀抱里抢走的。
What is it to you if she be pale or not 希罗底王后:她苍白不苍白关你什么事
Clinical observation on treatment of advanced cancer with xeloda 希罗达治疗晚期癌症临床观察
Hieronymus bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting 希罗宁姆斯?博希是怪诞派绘画大师。
University of hawaii at hilo , u . s . a 夏威夷州立大学希罗分校
Herodotus ' and the historiography of rational criticism 希罗多德与理性批判史学古希腊文明创新精神侧视