- 师 teacher; master
- 伯 father's elder brother; uncl ...
- 浑 muddy; turbid
- 资深外汇分析师伯泽兰 alex beuzelin
- 师部 [军事] division headquarters
- 师表 [书面语] a person of exemplary virtue 为人师表 be worthy of the name of teacher; be a paragon of virtue and learning
- 师昌绪 shi changxu
- 师保 paraclete
- 师常 morotsune
- 师包 morokane
- 师长 1.[尊] (教师) teacher2.[军事] division commander; divisional commander
- 师奥 morooku
- 师成 moronari
- 师 Ⅰ名词1.(传授知识、技术的人) teacher; master 提倡尊师爱生 advocate students respecting teachers and teachers cherishing students; 尊师重道 honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 她无师自通学会了拉丁语。 she learned latin without a master. 有其师必有其徒。 like teacher, like pupil.2.(学习的榜样) model; example 前事不忘, 后事之师。 lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future.3.(掌握专门学术或技艺的人) a person skilled in a certain profession 工程师 engineer; 技师 technician; 理发师 barber4.(对和尚的尊称) honorific title for a buddhist monk5.(由师徒关系产生的) of one's master or teacher 师母 the wife of one's teacher or master6.(军队的编制单位) division 步兵师 infantry division; 装甲师 armoured division7.(军队) troops; army 出师 dispatch troops to fight; send out an army; 雄师 powerful army; 正义之师 an army fighting for a just cause; 挥师南下 command an army to march south8.(姓氏) a surname 师伯浑 shi bohunⅡ动词[书面语] (学习; 仿效) imitate 师古 imitate the ancients; 师其所长 learn from his good points