Other than numb fingertips , which will likely take a month to return to normal , giesbrecht said he feels fine 吉斯布雷西特说,除了被冻僵的指尖可能需要一个月才能恢复之外,他感觉很好。
On two mornings , giesbrecht emerged from his tent to find the wind so fierce that his tent was almost flat 有两天早晨,吉斯布雷西特从帐篷中出来的时候发现狂风大作,他的帐篷差不多都被吹塌了。
Gordon giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated , frozen expanse of lake winnipeg as part of his research for the university of manitoba on how the body copes with the cold 戈登?吉斯布雷西特在温尼泊湖荒凉的冰面上滑雪度过了26天,这是他为马尼托巴大学所作的研究的一部分,研究的主题是:人体是怎样来抵御寒冷的。
" this has been more a test of just dealing with the cold and living with it , and getting your clothing and your actions coordinated so that you do n ' t end up getting frostbite or anything , " explained giesbrecht “这不仅仅是一次应付寒冷并在寒冷中生存的实验,你还要调整自己的衣着和行动,这样才不至于被冻伤或受到任何伤害。 ”吉斯布雷西特解释说。
Gordon giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated , frozen expanse of lake winnipeg as part of his research for the university of manitoba on how the body copes with the cold 本文来自news . jewelove . net戈登吉斯布雷西特在温尼泊湖荒凉的冰面上滑雪度过了26天,这是他为马尼托巴大学所作的研究的一部分,研究的主题是:人体是怎样来抵御寒冷的。