The value of contemporary collectivism in the background of market economy amp; globalization 全球化背景与市场体制下的当代集体主义价值
Study of trade plan of allied systems aimed at power mark is a work of important application value 研究电力市场体制下的水火电联合系统的日交易计划问题具有重要的实际应用价值。
Because this system was based on traditional power monopoly under that situation , so it is n ' t adaptive in power market system 鉴于当时的形势,该系统是基于传统的电力垄断体制而设计开发的,与电力市场体制不相适应。
Ministers welcomed this progress , noting with particular satisfaction concrete steps that have been taken across the full spectrum of tasks defined in the rome declaration 在俄罗斯,新的经济体制已经形成并且正在运作,其主要参数符合市场体制,但该体制还在不断完善之中。
During china ' s transition from centrally planned economy to market economy , one remarkable feature is the quick development of non - state enterprises ( nses ) outside of the planning system 中国经济从计划体制向市场体制转轨的过程中,一个显著的特征就是非国有企业在体制外的成长。
Chapter four explains the foundational projects of the great - leap - forward development productive force of the western region from the infrastructure , market system and ecological environment 第四章从基础设施、市场体制和生态环境三个方面,阐述西部地区生产力跨越式发展的基础工程。