- internal and judicial affairs committee of handan municipal people’s congress
- 市 market
- 人大 the National People's Congre ...
- 内务 internal affairs
- 司法 administration of justice; j ...
- 委员会 committee; commission; counc ...
- 内务司法委员会 committee for internal and judical affairs; committee for internal and judicial affairs
- 内务和司法委员会 commission for internal affairs and justice
- 司法委员会 commission for jurisdiction; council of judiciary; judicial commission; judicial committee; judicial council
- 司法委员会, 司法会议 judicial conncil
- 参议院司法委员会 judiciary committee of the senate; senate judiciary committee
- 参院司法委员会 senate judicary committee
- 独立司法委员会 independent judicial commission
- 泛美司法委员会 inter american juridical committee; inter_american juridical committee
- 高级司法委员会 high judicial council
- 规则和司法委员会 committee on rules and judicial practice
- 立法和司法委员会 committee of legislation and jurisdiction; legislation and jurisdiction committee
- 人民司法委员会 council of people's justice
- 枢密院司法委员会 judicial committee of the privy council
- 众议院司法委员会 house judicial committee; judicial committee of the house
- 最高司法委员会 high council of judiciary; higher judiciary council; superior council of the judiciary; supreme council of judicature; supreme council of justice; supreme council of magistrature; supreme judicial council; supremejudicialcouncil
- 市人大财政经济委员会 finance and economic committee of handan municipal people’s congress
- 市人大农村经济委员会 rural economic committee of handan municipal people’s congress
- 埃及最高司法委员会 egyptian supreme judiciary council
- 国际奥会司法委员会 ioc’s judicial committee
- 科索沃刑事司法委员会 kosovo criminal justice commission